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Immigration New Zealand 紐西蘭移民局

Immigration New Zealand (INZ)(external link) is the government agency responsible for establishing New Zealand immigration policies.

In general, you will need a visa if you wish to work temporarily, having a working holiday, reside permanently, or to study. 

The Immigration New Zealand website provides comprehensive information in English about visa requirements when coming to New Zealand.

紐西蘭移民局(INZ)(外部連結)(external link)是負責制定紐西蘭移民政策的政府機關。



Taiwan visa waiver and NZeTA

NZeTA application - request an NZeTA | Immigration New Zealand(external link)

Taiwanese passport holders travelling to New Zealand for less than three months on business, as tourists, to visit friends or relatives or for short-term study under three months, are not required to apply for a visa before they travel. However, a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) will be required.

Things to note:

  • If you are from a visa waiver country you must hold an NZeTA before you travel
  • Allow up to 72 hours for processing, but it could take as little as 10 minutes
  • An NZeTA request costs NZD $17 on our free app, or NZD $23 if completed online
  • You pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) at the same time as your NZeTA. This costs NZD $35

Taiwanese passport holders wishing to stay in New Zealand for more than three months, or to live, work, marry or undertake courses of study longer than three months will still need to apply for a visa.

Taiwanese passport holders wishing to travel to New Zealand under the visa waiver programme must have the right to reside permanently in Taiwan and must satisfy New Zealand authorities upon arrival in New Zealand that they meet the standard visa admission requirements. These include being of good health and character, providing travel tickets or evidence of onward travel arrangements and evidence of funds for maintenance or of sponsorship while in New Zealand.

For further information, please consult the following websites:

Travel to New Zealand – www.newzealand.com(external link)

Study in New Zealand – www.studyinnewzealand.govt.nz/(external link)

Immigration New Zealand – www.immigration.govt.nz(external link)

臺灣免簽證與紐西蘭電子授權 (NZeTA)

NZeTA application - request an NZeTA | Immigration New Zealand(external link)

臺灣護照持有人欲前往紐西蘭從事商務、觀光、訪友/探親、或短期學習,居留時間不超過三個月者,無需在出發前申請簽證,但仍必須取得紐西蘭電子授權 (NZeTA)。


  • 如果你是來自免簽證國,你必須在出發前取得 NZeTA。
  • 建議預留72小時處理時間,但實際處理時間可能只有10分鐘。
  • 利用我們的免費 APP 申請 NZeTA,費用為$17紐幣。若在線上申請,費用則為$23紐幣。
  • 你申請 NZeTA 的同時,還需繳交$35紐元的國際旅客保育及旅遊捐 (IVL)。




旅行紐西蘭(Travel to New Zealand) – www.newzealand.com(外部連結)(external link)

留學紐西蘭(Study in New Zealand) – www.studyinnewzealand.govt.nz/(外部連結)(external link)

移民紐西蘭(Immigration New Zealand) – www.immigration.govt.nz(外部連結)(external link)


New Zealand Visa Application Centre Taipei

臺北紐西蘭簽證申請中心 (VAC)

居住在臺灣的民眾必須將申請文件寄至臺北紐西蘭簽證申請中心 (VAC)。

People residing in Taiwan should send their application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Taipei.

New Zealand Visa Application Centre

Address: 7F Unit A, No 97 Song Ren Road Exchange Square 2, Xin Yi District, Taipei City

Phone: +886 2 7752 4745

Email: info.nztw@vfshelpline.com

VAC fees

Fees may apply depending on the application, plus the applicable INZ visa application fee. Applicants who wish to have their passports returned to them by courier, rather than by collection from the VAC, must also pay a fee. Please check directly with VAC. 

Application, facilitation and courier fees can be paid in cash (if submitting the application in person) or by bank transfer (if submitting the application by mail).

For more information on the process of submitting visa applications at the VAC in Taipei, please go to www.vfsglobal.com/newzealand/taiwan(external link).

Note: Although applications are submitted at the VAC, they are assessed and decided by Immigration New Zealand. The VAC provides facilitation services only. Although they provide information about submitting an application for a visa, they cannot provide immigration advice and have no influence on the outcome of an application for a visa for New Zealand.

Applications submitted from outside Taiwan

Visa applications for residents of Taiwan can be submitted from outside Taiwan to the Visa Application Centre in Taipei. If you require the passports and/or documents to be returned to an overseas address you must provide a pre-paid international courier envelope for their return.

VAC 費用



欲了解更多有關向臺北VAC提交簽證申請書流程的資訊,請登入www.vfsglobal.com/newzealand/taiwan(外部連結)(external link)






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